Josh Pugh Variety NY President with a young grantee

I’ve been President of Variety - the Children’s Charity of New York since 2018.

Variety is a charity that’s been very close to my heart for some time. I quickly found a home and a family among the fantastic members and volunteers from around the world supporting sick, disadvantaged, and underprivileged children.

I became involved via the South Australian Variety Bash in 2011 dressing up as Yoshi in Variety Bash Car 123 and raising money for kids in need across South Australia. 123 raised $140,519 over the 5 years of my being involved and winning best overall participant of the event in 2016.

In 2014 I increased my involvement with the organization becoming Chair of Young Variety South Australia. Young Variety SA connects and engages with young professionals from across South Australia introducing them to the fantastic work of Variety. My role formalized the corporate governance and structure and oversaw the organization’s first direct sponsorship and partnership agreements.

In 2015, my role grew further with the charity to a position on the Board of Directors and overseeing the operations of the organization. In this time, Variety SA received awards for its performance, governance, revenue, and innovation, as well as its marketing and communication excellence. All incredibly proud moments for me personally and the charity.

In 2018, after moving to New York and stepping away from Variety South Australia, I moved into the position of President of Variety - the Children’s Charity of New York. We help children from across New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey with assistive technology and resources, and I love my work.